External render and mouldings

External lime renders and mouldings

in situ hand run pediment 


Many of the skills involved in external lime renders and mouldings have had to be re-learnt as the use of modern cements and polymer coatings have required different application systems.As we explored techniques and materials it became increasingly clear that there were and are systems to follow to achieve the  right results.  Here are a few of the features recreated using traditional techniques.

Applying finish coat on lime background

Finishing lime render 
in situ external run moulding 

detail of run plinth for rustication

Rustication with run plinth

The process of running a moulding in situ (the PVA in the background is just a coincidence, only lime and sand used here)

hand run cornerstones in lime

decorative limeworrk cut to shapes
finishing lime render

Render in situ London

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